Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Powhiri Recount

Powhiri Recount

14th February was a very big day for Christ the King, it was the day of the Powhiri to welcome our new Principal Mr Hadnett, new Staff and students. 

At the beginning of the Powhiri The school Sang He honore as the guests all walked in and sat down. At the doorway Toakase and Ana greeted them. When everybody had settled down Father Peter said a welcoming speech in Maori and in English.

During the powhiri many people said a speech including Mr Tyrell, Mrs D’souza, Mrs heimuli and Mr Hadnett. Half way through the speeches the visitors sang Momaria. After Mr Hadnett.  speech we sang E minaka Ana the room 1 girls stood up and did the actions while they were singing Me, Michael and Philodea put a flower laigh on Mr Hadnett, his brother in law and Ms D’souza. 

After that everyone went to do a hongi (A sacred maori greeting). When everyone had done a hongi we sang E toru nga mea as the guests left the hall. We had a longer lunch break because of  how long the Powhiri was. The Powhiri was A very special celebration for our school.

By: Carolyn

Monday, February 10, 2020

Summer Holidays 2019-2020

Holidays 2019-2020
Nikau Cave and Cafe

Watching Star Wars at Cinemas

Rollerblading with my Family

BBQs at my cousins

Auckland Anniversaries Fireworks and Opera

Soft white dog stayed over

Maccas every week

Sleepovers at other houses

Youtube all day long

Stationary Shopping

By Carolyn

This is my Summer Holiday Writing Poem it's about what I did in the Holidays