Monday, July 27, 2020

Cheetah report

Cheetah Report
The Cheetah
The cheetah is a very fascinating animal. One of its key
traits is its incredible speed, They are the fastest land
mammal on earth. Cheetahs can reach up to a speed of
93km/h. Another amazing thing about cheetahs is that
they purr yet they do not roar.

Cheetahs live in a lot of different conditions they can be
found in dry forests, grasslands, open plains and desert
areas. They mostly hide in dry long grass when going hunting
because they can blend in with their surroundings.

Cheetahs usually don’t need much water they mostly just
need plenty of food. Cheetahs are carnivores their prey are
normally small to medium-sized Antelope as in springbok,
impala, and duiker. The smaller animals they eat include
warthogs, rabbits, birds and the babies of larger Antelope
or wildebeest in their diet

Cheetahs can weigh from 69 to 150 pounds. Another fact
about cheetahs is that cheetah cubs have a hair to disguise
themself from predators. There are about four subspecies
of cheetah and they are all different for instance there is
the Asiatic cheetah and the African cheetah. Cheetahs
overall are endangered and there are only
approximately7,100 cheetahs left in the wild. 

Please help save the cheetahs